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Precious Memories 1332 North Ave

April 1, 2021

April 2021 Newsletter

Happy Spring everyone, 

And welcome to our new children into the program! Finally, we are springing into warm weather, and flowers and leaves will begin to sprout! This month’s learning experience will be all about science; the children will be exploring, experimenting, investigating, and learning all about living things. The children will be going outside to explore living things around them, planting seeds, and learning the life cycles of various plants and insects. Books relevant to this experience will be “The Tiny Seed” and “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle, and other resourceful books that support this subject. Parents, please go onto classroom Dojo to further extend your child’s learning from the classroom to home. Read daily to your child to engage them in thinking, remembering, and expressing their ideas from what they are learning.

Important dates: This Friday, April 2 Center is closed: “Good Friday.”

Reminder: children need 3 changes of full clothing, small blanket for naptime

Important Dates:


 Birthdays: Elizabeth

Precious Memories Early Childhood Learning Center Events

By 7010847003 May 27, 2021
Topic of learning This new session of school will be different. We have implemented some new protocols to ensure the safety of our children, families, and staff. A guideline was given to each family and we appreciate your support and patience as we all adjust to the way things are changing. We are reminding all parents that our hours of operation have change. We will be open from 7-4. Please adhere to having the same person pick up and drop off. Individual that will be dropping off or picking up MUST be wearing a mask and bring in their identification, license, or passport and will not be allowed to enter the building.
By preston.filbert January 15, 2021
This month the children will be learning about the winter season. They will learn about the change in weather, snow, temperature, the proper winter clothing, and hibernation. Reminder to all parents of Precious Memories: Precious Memories has been working diligently and following all protocols by the state and local health department to keep children and staff safe from contracting the COVID-19 Virus. However, it is a virus that is not under control yet. Please to keep in mind that if anyone of the Precious Memories classrooms is exposed to this virus, we are required by state and local health department to close the classroom for 14 days, so that children and staff can quarantine for 14 days. During this time, no parents form the classroom that is close will be charged a fee. If you are anyone living in your household got tested, you must inform the center and stay home until you receive the results. We are asking for your patience and make plans for alternate care during the times we must close due to the virus. If any classroom is close due to the virus, the children will have remote learning, we encourage parents to comminate his/her child’s teacher to participate in the remote learning. Feel free to visit the program class dojo, if you are not familiar with the app, you can ask your child ‘s teacher for help. It is very user friendly for parent and children, even though the children might be home due the virus, it does not mean that the learning stops. When finding alternate care for your, inform that person about helping your child to learn by participating online or you the parent can participate with your child, after you relax form work. Keeping the children learning & safe is our number one priority. Please make sure that Ms. Maritza has your most up to date number for the E-blast, so we can notify you of any delays, cancellations, and early dismissals due to snow. It will also be broadcasted on local T.V. stations and radio. Stay Warm!
By 7010847003 January 13, 2021
Greetings! We wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year and we look forward to all the exciting events to come throughout the year! The return of preschool this month signals to us once again, the importance of maintaining a safe and healthy environment for the children and staff- especially during these unprecedented times with Covid-19 and the flu season upon us. We encourage you to sanitize both your hands as well as, your child’s hands during morning arrival and to wear a mask during morning drop-off and afternoon pickup. Please provide extra masks in your child’s backpack, and keep your child at home, if they are sick. You must also notify the center immediately if you, your child, or a family member is diagnosed with Covid-19. There is a 14-day quarantine period for anyone diagnosed with covid-19. A doctor's written confirmation that the child may return to school is required. Learning experiences include Early Language and Literacy. We will be reading a variety of books about winter and animals that hibernate in winter, along with stories written by our children’s author of the month, Ezra Jack Keats. The children will also engage in retelling and acting out stories, make story predictions, and share their favorite part of a story. Progress reports will be sent home during the week of January 25th. Teachers will also schedule a phone conference with you. Please visit the class dojo daily, and inform me if you are having difficulty logging in. End of the year, the tuition statement for 2020, will be sent home before the end of January. Ms. Elizabeth/-Program Director

Precious Memories 1332 North Ave

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